WTSF Donors
Graduate Level | Over $10,000


Aasif Bade ‘00

Sally Barrett

Tag ‘89 and Marta Birge

The Brooks and Joan Fortune Family Foundation

Terry and Kris Cudahy

Andy ‘73 and Chris Light

Andy Pike ‘00

The Ed and June Prein

Quest for Excellence, Inc.

John and Susie ‘73 Ross

Second Presbyterian Church

Rick Slocum ‘76

St Luke’s United Methodist Church

Joel Yonover Endowment Fund Trustees

Senior Level | $2,500-$9,999

Greg ‘89 and Sally Akers

Jill Archibald

R. Kent Baker ‘72


Beyond Monumental

Justin ‘02 and Claire ‘02 Bolles

Eric and Jennifer ‘89 Broemel

Charles Brown ‘67 and Louise Tetrick ‘78

Care For Kids Foundation

Dwight ‘62 and Ann Chernish

Kendall Crook

Mike Curless ‘82

Daubenspeck Nature Park

Eli Lilly & Co. Foundation

Charlie and Lori Grandy

Michael and Liane ‘97 Hulka

Jim and Cynthia Hunter

Jim and Christy Jacobi

Eddie Prein and Amy Judge-Prein

Matt and Emily Kaiser

David and Melynne Klaus


Steve and Jennifer Kremer

Lilly Endowment

Jim and Sara ‘77 Lootens

Mike ‘89 and Sarah Manion

Michael and Margy McCormick

Mac and Sarah McNaught

John and Patty ‘70 Nichols

Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust

Northminster Presbyterian Church

Palmer Family Foundation Trust

Bill and Heather Pitcock

Wesley Porter ‘90

Steve ‘72 and Jane Pratt

Lloyd G. Query ‘61

Aaron and Emily Reddington

Rockefeller Foundation

Bob ‘60 and Alice ‘60 Schloss

Bill and Barbara ‘75 Tait

TIFF Charitable Foundation

Jerimi and Kristin Ullom

Ace and Beth Yakey

Junior Level | $1,000-$2,499

Jamie Abram

Kent and Carolyn Agness

Megan Alderman

David ‘61 and Mary Allen

Gaurav and Rebecca Arora

Mary Bauer ‘73

Kelli Baumgarn

Bryce ‘71 and Donna Bennett

Bessemer Trust

Jon and Judy Birge

Tim and Lindsey ‘95 Blom

Lynn Boatman

Anthony Borel and Dawn Batson

Mike and Maureen Boyer

The Brave Heart Foundation

Gordon Bruder and Celia Surface-Bruder ‘76

Robert and Jasmin ‘90 Burch

David ‘02 and Ashley ‘02 Butz

Karole Butz

Central Indiana Community Foundation

Christ Church Cathedral Women

Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim

Steve and Joyce Click

Ryan and Kelli Jane Cronk

Amy Davis Snodgrass

Dreyer & Reinbold

Andrew Dutkanych and Caroline

Gleason Dutkanych

Kathy Eggleston ‘71

Emergent Construction

Dan and Marilyn Evans

Vera Evans

Everwise Credit Union

Jo Anne Fehsenfeld Rutigliano ‘67

Fred ‘69 and Suzie Fehsenfeld

Jeff ‘76 and Edie Fisher

Donald Foley ‘60

Joshua Forcum

Janice Goodman

Perry and Michelle ‘78 Griffith

William Griffith III

Bill and Phyllis Groth

Shanna Hampton

Larry ‘60 and Pamela ‘61 Hannah

Buddy and Martha Hennessey

Jeffrey Hilburn

David and Lori Hudson

Indianapolis Foundation

Sanjay Jivraj

Jerry Jones

Richard and Anne Kohler

Erik and Jill Kropa

Louis and Leigh Lazaron

David Leonard ‘88

Kathy Levine

Jeff and Stacy Lozer

Linda Marler

Bill and Donna Marsh

John and Christina Martin

Jon and Janna Mayes

Maggie McShane

Margaret Miller

John and Robin Minturn

Mike ‘86 and Dede Moore

David ‘70 and Leslie Morgan

Lew and Terry ‘67 Mumford

National Christian Foundation

NCHS Class of 1960


Panorama Education

Erik and Keana Parquet

Crystal Paschal

Everett ‘01 and McKenzie ‘01 Paschal

Thomas and Susan ‘76 Pluss

David Porter ‘70

Derek and Lori Price

Fady Qaddoura

CE Quandt

Marty H. Redish ‘72

Scott and Ellen Rogers

Andy and Joanna Russell

Steve and Jennifer Sanner

Peter and Sarah Schlifke

Jeff and Donna Schmahl

Dick ‘65 and Jamie Schulte

Sam Carpenter and Alison Schumacher

John and Gloria Scott

Jeff and Cassandra Short

Jim and Judy Singleton

Rebecka Smith

Wendy Sommers ‘78

Gretchen Spaulding ‘59

Paul St Angelo ‘72

Jeff and Jennifer Stonebraker

Sean and Megan Taylor

Bill Turner ‘78 and

Laurie Cowan-Turner

Chuck ‘73 and Crystal D.

Van Meter Versiti

John and Sue Whitaker

Brian Williams ‘85 and

Susan Brock Williams

Rudy S. Wilson Jr. ‘79

Ron Woods

Nikki Woodson

Chuck and Pat Wyman

Ben and Lyndsay Younce

Daryle and Suzanne Zybert

Sophomore Level | $500-$999

Steve Ball ‘71

Jim and Cindy Barkley

Edward Bartley

Mark and Marianne Beesley

Cheryl Benner

Cristi Billue

Tim ‘91 and Mary Birtwhistle

Josh ‘05 and Rachel Bolles

Jim ‘73 and Gina ‘73 Bremner

Ann Wilhoite Brilley ‘64

Kirk and Rachel Briscoe

Anna Burrell

Louis ‘72 and Linda Cantor

William T. Coffey ‘70

Kurt Cohen

Matt Corley

Brian and Sarah Davis

Clay and Julie Dilts

Rick Doss ‘81 and

Maureen Marshall-Doss

Gary Dougan


Mark Edwards

Michael Eikenberry

Christopher Floyd ‘84

Norm ‘67 and Adrienne ‘71 Fogle

Brian and Kenda Friend

Brian Funk

Evan and Lynda Goodman

Tom and Laura Hakim

Monica Hammons

Hayes Family Foundation

Jeffrey and Sarah ‘97 Henhapl

Jay ‘77 and Lisa ‘77 Hill

Andy and Emily Hodson

Inter-State Studio & Publishing Co

Paul A. Johnson

Candice King

Carol Konkle-Sundheimer

Kevin Krulewitch ‘79 and

Rosanne Ammirati

Angela Paradise Lacy ‘95

Jack Lacy

Tom and Nancy ‘77 Lange

Joseph and Kristen Leonard

Susan Folger Lodal ‘73

Shawn and Jenn Maple

Kim Matsuoka

Jon Mayes

Lisa McCord

Amy Mehall

Rahvy Murray


Deanna Nibarger

Scott ‘99 and Katie Nichols

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

John ‘80 and Kathy ‘82 Null

Veronica Onofrey ‘07

Scott and Noha Patterson

Jon ‘67 and Andrea Pactor

J Daniel Philpott ‘82

Joe and Karen ‘60 Porter

Ralph ‘76 and Hope Power

Glenn Pritchard Jr. ‘68

Jake Query ‘91

Jennifer Query ‘84

Art and Bonnie Rettig

Tom and Marsha Reynolds

Mike and Mary Rice

Clay and Amy Robbins

Phillip and Megan ‘88 Roth

Adam and Kelly Rude

Aimee Scheuermann

Michael and Carla Schmid

Rachel Sever

Kevin Shelley

Elizabeth Sloan

Joe Sluss

Alyson Smith

LaTanya Smith

Jessica Subick

John and Kimberly Swarbrick

Kevin and Erin Trisler

James R. Tuerk ‘72

Mary Lee Turk ‘73

Becky  Volk ‘83

Susan and Guy Westermeyer

The Weston School

Gene and Jetties White

Tim and Mia Witzenman

Michael and Lindsay ‘94 Yaggi

George and Caryll Young

Freshman Level | $250-$499

Paul and Linda Abbenhaus

Jennifer Abell

Phillip-David Adams

Skip ‘67 and Linda Adams

Adam Ahlfeld ‘04

Tolulope Akiwowo

Ghirmay Alazar

Matthew Ambrosen

American Chemical Society – Indiana

Kate Amos

Kirstie Andersen

Sandra Anderson

Marcia Angstadt ‘73

Tim Ardillo

Tony Armstrong

AT&T Corporate Giving

Lauren Ausdenmoore

Steve and Caryl ‘96 Auslander

Vicki Ayres

Brian Bachman

Abigail Badger

Mark Bailey

Andrew and Jamie Baldwin

Bank of America Charitable Fund

Laura Barber

Anna Barnard

Adam ‘97 and Kelly ‘97 Barnes

Charles and Sharon Barnett

Susan Barrett ‘67

Amanda Barwick

Scott Bauserman

Erica Beard

Trisha Beasley

Melissa Behny

James Bell

Lydia Bell

Suzanne Bellamy

Mary Jaquelin Bennett ‘70

Sylvia Bieghler

Dewight Bigbee

Ellie Blangiardo

Bob Boekankamp

Rex Bolinger

James Boots

Mary Beth Borkowski

Arian and Kristen ‘98 Bostic

Maggie Bowden ‘94

Alan Bower ‘68

Deanna Boyce

Phillip C. Boyd ‘89

Phyllis Boyd ‘87

Anita Boyer

Elyse Boyles

Janet Bracher

Bryant and Heather Branigan

Phil and Susie ‘70 Bremen

Beth Brent ‘00

Nick Brewer

Nancy Briggs ‘80

Andy ‘98 and Jennifer Brinkman

Angela Britain-Smith

Mariah Brobbey

David and Susan Brooks

Dawn Brooks

Kellie Brotherton

Danny and Jenny Brown

Ellen Sikora Brown

Paul ‘77 and Ann Brown

Stephanie E. Brown

Thomas Brown

Whitney Brown

Yalonda Brown ‘86

Matt ‘90 and Jill Buckner

Jason Bullock

Craig Burke

Christina Burrows

Joe and Amalia Caamano

Marlyn Calix

Holly Callahan

Billy Campbell

Matt and Val Campbell

Nancy Duff Campbell ‘61

Rejan Campbell

Stephanie Campbell

Braca Cantor

Nicole Carney

Stacy Cartmel

Tony and Lezlie Ceglio

Nancy Chastain

Rosa Chemor

Kristin Chisholm

Mark and Shelley Clark

Sarah Clayton ‘03

Nathan Click

Bethany Clinesmith

Carole Collins Ayanlaja ‘83

Graham Collins

The Collins Family

Robin Conti

Eric and Nicole Cooper

Courtney Coppinger

Courtney Corley

Kristie Corn

Debbie Corpus

Jana Cosler

Katherine Cramsey

Jena Cryder

Steve and Jacquie Darbro

Lucia Darling ‘04

Deborah Darring

Anthony Dean

Fabrice Decaudin and Elise Kirby

James Deitchman

Todd Deley

Carol Dellinger

Bill Demaree ‘85

Brandi Dennis

Erica Dillow

Blaine ‘94 and Dawn Dinwiddie

Tom ‘65 and Nancy Dinwiddie

Julia Dobie

Carrie Dodd

Corey and Cassidy Dodson

Jennifer Dodson

Gary and Lisa Dum

Anne Duncan ‘70

John and Sue Dunlop

Tony and Jennifer Dzwonar

Trishelle Edwards

David Elian

Andy Elkins

Ryan Engle

Mark English ‘60

Stephanie English

Marni Fechtman

John ‘78 and Lyn Fencl

Emily Ferguson

Kathleen Ferguson

Anne Fernkas ‘15

Kelsey Fifer

Cirsti Fishback

Alison Fleischer

Michelle Fleming

Don ‘72 and Pam Fogle

Nigel Foreman ‘78

Anne Frank

Jennifer Franklin

LaTisha Frazier

Benjamin and Hilary Freeman

Richard French

Kristina Frey

Suzette Friar

Rob Friedman and Mindy Hutchinson

Blake and Chris ‘96 Froberg

Janina Fuller ‘73

Anastasia Gamino

Myles LaRon Garrett ‘16

Tom Gayda

Kathy Gaynor

Katja Geisler

Carolyn Gigliotti-Hohe

Shane and Jolie Girton

Kelli Glassley

Terri Golder

Ana Gonzalez

Brett Goodwin

Sarah Gray ‘84

Larry Greenbaum and

Cassia Margolis

Patrice Greene

Jennifer Greimann

Natalie Grenfell

Alex Gump

Katherine Haas ‘77

Nathan and Valerie Hack

Larry and LeAnn Haggard

Laura Haines

Anne Hair

Christy Halterman

Derek and Carey Hamilton

Jason ‘88 and Stacie ‘87 Hamilton

Lindsey Hamilton

Elizabeth Hamlett

Scott Hannan

Susan Hardesty

Reilly Harmeyer

Margaret Harms

Lis Harper ‘02

Josh Harris

Tina Harris ‘85

Tracey Hart ‘92

Elizabeth Hartman

Larry and Louise ‘69 Haskett

Crystal Haslett ‘92

Danielle and Mark Hassan

Mark Haste

Brandt Hatcher

Thomas and Judith Hayhurst

Jonathan Heller

Lyndsey Helling

Mike and Beth ‘94 Heneghan

Danny Henrich

Jeff and Mindy Henry

David and Megan Herring

Megan Hershey ‘98

Nancy Hertzog ‘73

Jeffrey Hester ‘91

David Hilburn

Matthew Hilburn

Gwyneth Hill ‘21

Craig ‘95 and Sarah ‘95 Hittle

Gabe Hoffman

Kalisha Hoffman

Erin Hogan

Isaac Homburg

Phil and Ellen Hon

Becky Hoog

Elisabeth Hortenberry

Thomas Hreno

Julie Hunt

Marcy Ann Hurley ‘87

Indiana Oxygen

Maravene Inman

Philip Ireland

Dwayne and Amy Isaacs

Eli ‘05 and Stacy Isaacs

Adrienne Jackson

Amber Jackson ‘01

Adam Jacobowitz

Karl and Joan Jacobs

Mark Janicki

Keri Jeter Lewis ‘95

Rasheeda Jiles-Johnson

Tara Jobe

Brandon Johnson

Eric and Bethany ‘97 Johnson

Kelly Johnson

Margaret Johnson ‘77

Michael Johnson ‘87

Kelley Joice

Amy Jones

Nechelle Jones

David and Mimi Jose

Stephane and Tamara Jousset

Sharon Karp

Katherine Keegan

Lou Ann Keeling

Alice Keesler

Louisa Kellam

Carolyn Kelly

Maggie Kelly

Martin and Stacy ‘77 Kelty

Jamie Kendrick ‘03

Tim Kershaw and

Bethany Miller-Kershaw

David King

Derek King

Katie King

Jason Kistler

Jim ‘80 and Elizabeth Kitterman

Shellee Klausmeier

Stacie Kleeman

Michael Kneebone

Jennifer Knepp

Elisa Knoll

Keely Korstanje

Amy Kovalan

Marty Krause

Kevin and Kendall Kreinhagen

Jennifer Labac

Randall Labac

Shelly Labac

Mona Laghaie

Amber Lamkin

Bradford Lancaster

Ryan LaPlante

Scott Larrimer and Erin Day

Anders Larson

Jeff and Jessica Larson

Clifford ‘94 and Davia Laswell

Mark ‘72 and Jan Lawrance

Quinyahna Leagre

Carrie Leathers

Sarah Leathers

Craig Lee and Sara Silver-Lee ‘96

Nathaniel Lee and Molly Ann Henry ‘12

Sarah Lewis

Lexia Learning

Wendy Libby-Bernstein

James ‘60 and Nina Light

Jennifer Lindell

Roosevelt Lindsey

Greg Lineweaver

Leland Lockhart

Kathy Loggan

Kim Lucy

Caroline Luft ‘85

Jennifer Lyons

Barbara MacDougall

Mandy Madden Miller ‘00

Teleia Magee

Christa Manahan

Jacob ‘00 and Katy Mann

Amy Martin

Reagen Mathew

Stacy Maurer ‘76

Hollis May

Joe May

Jessica Mayorga ‘99

Henry McCabe

Lora McClellan

Michael Walter McConnell and Marlene Weiss

Megan McCullough

Brandon McDonald

Sadie McGouldrick

Celete and Michael McGregor

Lisa McGuire ‘73

Kimberly McKinley

David and Katherine McLiver

Meredith McMahan

Alicia McMahon

Mary Kay McQuistion ‘73

Jim and Lynda McQuiston

Jack Mendell ‘60

Danny Mendez

Kellee Merritt

Chad Michalek

Andy and Leslie Middleton

Tanya Miles

Annie Miller

Jodi Miller

Laura Miller ‘09

Baylee Millott

Katherine Minarik ‘94

Joel and Julie Mintun

Ntinyari Miriti

Brandon Mitchell

Tara Mitchell

Timothy Mitchell ‘74

Modern Woodmen of America

Rachael Moheban

Ashley Monroe

Andre and Cheri Moore

Tricia Morgan

Rachel Morris

Don and Mary Ellen Morrison

Elizabeth Morrison

Kim Morrow

Mitchell Mosbey

Brian Mosby

Ted Mosey ‘99

Leigh Muller

Elizabeth Murphy

Matt Zider and

Elizabeth Murphy ‘04

Tracy Murphy ‘92

C. Lynn Myers

Tim and Meg Nation

Bill and Carrie Neal

Corinne Neff

Ginny Neff ‘71

Emma Neikirk

Nick Neureiter

Marc Newman ‘00

Pam Nixon

Windy Noble

Nora Elementary Faculty & Staff

North Central Class of 1960

Reunion Committee

Michael and Casey Oglesby

April Oldham ‘75

Sharon Oldham

Kelly Ouattara

James Owen and

Katey Einterz ‘87 Owen

Marla Palacios

Rochelle Paquette

Elizabeth Paul

Sydney Peacock

Eliot Olive Pell ‘16

Annalise Petranoff ‘07

Dr. Nataki Pettigrew

Diana Phillips

Anat Pinsky

Michael ‘97 and Kristen ‘96 Poindexter

Chuck Poland ‘60

Elisa Powell

Erma Power ‘72

Michele Prifogle

Eric Prugh ‘01

Kathryn Pulley

David Raes

DeeAnn Ramey

Bryan Ramirez ‘03

Jessica Ranalli

Steve ‘73 and Pam Rappaport

Denise Rau

Mike and Cara Berg Raunick

Amanda Ravenscroft

Helene Ray

Rick and Mary Redman

Brittany Reedy

Michelle Reel

Sara Reeves

Chris and Mary Beth ‘94 Reffett

Regions Bank

Dan and Sherri Reid-Kiesle

Grant and Lynn Remington


Holly Reyome

Christina Rhodes

Dan ‘73 and Jan Rice

Teresa Richards

Dawn Richardson

Rachel Richardson

Amy Richie-Zehr

Josh Richmond ‘95

Steven Rickards

Matthew Riley

Phyllis Ritenour

Anthony Rivello

Robert Thompson ‘74 and

Jeffrey Raab

Roche Diagnostics

Amy A. Roetgerman ‘89

Betty Root

Carrian Rose

Zorba Rose

Susan Roseman

Charles Roth ‘20

Luci Roth

Zoey Roth ‘23


Carla Sanford

Devin Sangster ‘11

Meredith Schaar

Steve Schaecher

Susan Schaefer ‘73

Susan Schaeffer

Paula Schmidt-Hobbs

Aaron Schmoll

Lynn Schopp

Monika Schultz

Micki Schumacher ‘80

Lesley Seitz

Matt and Carrie Selby

Matthew Self

Sheri Setters

Kendra Shaar

Carolyn Sharp

Aaron ‘89 and Beth ‘95 Shelby

Ann Shirley ‘80

Claire Shroba

Bob and Denise Silbert

Bruce ‘68 and Marcia Sklare

Ashley Smith

Bryan Thomas Smith

Dawn Smith

Dustin Smith

Harold and Mary Smith

LaShonica Smith

Rebecca Smith

Victoria Smith

Anita Smothermon

Jay Soucy

Melissa Spanos

Karen Spataro

Eric Sprague

Chris and Susie Sprinkle

Carolyn Stalcup

Debbie Stanton ‘73

Brandon ‘95 and Diane Steffey

Christine Stehman ‘95

Ed Sterner ‘69

Steve Santer and

Cynthia Lambert

Tom and Marilyn Stevning

Elizabeth Stewart

Mick and Celeste Stiller

Amy Storer ‘60

Natalie Strand

Jon Strube

Katie Sundheimer

Joshua Surfus

Leah Suttner

Judith Sutton

Russell and Julie ‘77 Swisher

Kathryn Szwed

Michelle Talbott

Bill and Janet Taylor

Catherine Taylor

Bill ‘60 and Janet ‘60 Teeguarden

Bruce and Patti Tehan

Alicia Tharpe

Melisa Thayer

Scott and Sharon Thiems

Deborah Thompson

Steven Thompson ‘10

Angela Tipton

Lee Toussant

Tom Trankle ‘67

Megan Tremain ‘95

Kathryn Troyer

Matthew and Natalie Troyer

Hwa Tsu

April Tuason

James Tutin

Alison Van Natta

Paula Van Ness ‘70

Laura VanderHaeghen

Cristina Vasquez

Emily Vaughn

Tyson and Alicia Vaughn

Chris and Traci Vermilion

David Gabovitch ‘77 and

Nonie Vonnegut-Gabovitch ‘77

Shannon Wagner

Debbie Waldman

Chad Wallace ‘93

Lisa Wallace

Justin Wallshield

Joseph and Susan Walsmith

Allison Walters ‘91

Dylan Warren

Joan Warrick

Paul Watkins

John and Charlotte ‘70 Watson

Brittany Wayman ‘01

Naalie Webb ‘88

Sonya Weber

Terry ‘83 and Pam Weiger

Marilyn Weiland

Tabatha Weishaar

Alexandra Weiss ‘01

Bernette Wheeler

Dave Wheeler

Jean Ann Wheeler

Kimberly White ‘95

Phyllis Whitis ‘60

Savannah Whitson

Terry Whitt Bailey ‘82

Matt Whitt

Dick and Pat Wiehe

Matilda Wilhoite ‘69

Barry and Linda Wilkins

Larry and Leslie Willan

Charlene Williams

Courtney Williams

Jennifer Williams

Judie Williams

Pam Williams

Helen Wilson

Melissa Wilson

Linda Winger ‘64

David Wintermeyer ‘13

Whitney Witsken

Lori Wong

Taylor Woodard ‘98

Rashieta Woods

Heather Worley

Cynthia Wright

Julie Wright

Shawn Wright-Browner

Grace Wu

See Xiong

Steve Yager

Joanna Yarbrough

Emily Yarger

Carletha Yarrell

Rachele Yencer

Karen Young

Teri Yount ‘74

Lucia Zafar

Friends | Up to $249

Sally Allen

Daniel Allis ‘84

Kevin and Meridith ‘78 Anderson

Thomas and Lori Anderson

Loic Andre’

Emily Armstrong

Douglas Arnold

Allison Avin

Ashley Baker

Larry and Beverly Baker

Whitney Ball

Samantha Bare ‘18

Blake Busch and

Hannah Yaeger-Busch

Rose Bobal

Carol Boebinger

Gary and Sally Boone

Darryl ‘99 and Leslie ‘98 Bowles

Katie Brownlee

Sally Budreau ‘73

Steve and Debbie Bulloff

Abby Burcham

Blaine and Neelema Burgan

Elizabeth Burke ‘79

Michael Obenchain and Maureen ‘99 Butz-Obenchain

Calvary Lutheran School

Ali Camp

Andrea Cannon

Care Source

Kathleen Chase ‘85

Nicolet Christensen

Rebecca Christensen

Kelli Cimino

Dick and Brenta Clem

Whitney Coker

Julissa Collazo

Lisa Cook ‘92

Creative Nature

Alicia Cushing

John and Patricia Custer

Marcus Dalton

Eric Davis ‘79

Marie Davis

Neil Deardorff

Habib and Malang Diatta

Rachel Dines ‘03

Will Dinwiddie

Annette Dockter

Annette Donegan

Matthew Doss ‘08

Bill and Ann Dugan

Linda Perez Dugger

Duke Energy Foundation

John Duvall ‘68

Hanan Dzurny

Janet Eichenberger

Kelly Ellis

Ashley Emery

Erik Felts

Gretchen M. Ferringer

Dale Fink ‘67

First Baptist Athletics

Bruce and Linda Flanagan

Angela Rene Floyd ‘02

Leah Floyd

Big Sherm Flucas ‘00

Jean Ford

Jennifer Fox ‘92

Andrea Francis

Fresh Thyme

Stan ‘72 and Kay Fulk

Bonnie FusonSmith

Meghan Gabbei

Ryan Gallagher ‘99

Erin Garriott

Emily Gaskins ‘98

Jim Gawla

Bev Gerst ‘80

Elizabeth Gill ‘04

Amy Glanzman ‘80

John Goodman

Kara Goodwin

Cindy Gould ‘85

Jerry and Sally Gray

William Greasel ‘72

Kurt and Taryn Greaser

Brian and Karen Gropp

Ann Grosh

Thomas Hahn

Tiffany Halliburton

Duke ‘69 and Tammy ‘71 Hardy

Charlie and Cindie Harp

Maggie Hartnagel

Lakshmi Hasanadka

Amanda M. Hassen

Jill Hatcher

Bridget Hawryluk

Susan Hayhurst

Caroline Haywood

Shannon Heitz

DeAnn Henry

Ashli Hess

Rachel Hewlate ‘96

Jamie Hill ‘12

John Hill

Kelly Hock

Leo and Carol Hodes

Emily Hollingsworth ‘04

Vincent Holloway ‘12

Neil Hunt

Cheryl Jacklin ‘64

Lori Jacobus

Laura Jeggle

Linda King Jennette ‘73

Gwendolyn Johnson ‘89

LeeAnn Johnson

Kerri L. Jones

Will Jones

Paige Joseph

Angelia Joyner

JP Morgan Chase Foundation

Molly Kacey

Debbi Kasper

Jan and Jack Keefer

Kei2 Health

Nicole Keller

Kay Kelly

Kay W Kelly

Samantha Kelly ‘12

Elizabeth Kemp

Kasey Kildall

Jon and Brittany Kirschner

Kiss of Silk

Leslie Kotyuk ‘76

Larry and Beth ‘77 Lammers

Robin Lawrence

Jen Leary

Jennifer Locke

Cathleen Logsdon ‘80

Peter and Jessica Loomis

Theresa Loudermilk

Meredith Loughmiller

John and Laura Lowe

Laura Mail ‘04

Andrea Malone ‘99

Devin ‘96 and Jason Mandel

Jill Maniakas ‘68

Natalie Manthey

Jodie Markus

Christa Martini

Mason Family Chiropractic

Angie Mason

Marcia Mason ‘73

Lindsey Mastain

Allegra Mather

Heather Mayhugh

Kelly McConahay

Bruce and Ruth McDonald

Jared McElroy

Susan McJunkins

Susan McLeod ‘73

Cindy McLoed

Edward F. McNeil Jr.

Matt McNew and

Christina Bennett-McNew

Rochelle Meisner

Jacqueline Miller

Tyler Mitchell

Jacquelyn Mock

Andrianna Moehle ‘13

Cassie Morgan

Dhana Morris

Soumi Mukhopadhyay

Marjorie Murphy

Jenn Naas

Peggy Naile ‘66

Christopher and Christina Nash

Amani Nelson ‘14

Samuel Nickell ‘12

Amy Norwalk

Kevin O’Connell

Elaine Opsitnik

Michelle Pajares

Cheyenne Pelis

Julie Perry ‘93

Mya Perry

Jessica Phillips

Elizabeth Philpott

Jennifer Price

Audra Rasmussen

Ann Ratliff

Andrea Tremain Ray

Shaunna Redd

Emily Reynolds

Tenley and Adam Rhoades

Surisa Richardson

Jill R. Riskin-Gottly ‘83

Catherine Roberts

Louisa Roberts

Whitney Roberts

Katie Robertson

Gary Roos ‘73

Alonzo Rudolph ‘80

Courtney Rudy

Paul ‘87 and Nicole Scherrer

Peggy Schuh

Mike and Julie Shannon

Griffin Shearer ‘18

Ellie Sheffield

Bernard and Rosie Shepard

David Sigal ‘75

Cheryl Silcox

Stephen Simpson

Megan Sims

Aaron ‘91 and Maribeth Smith

Alison Smith

Mary Smith

Jamey Johnson Spielberg ‘80

Ronald ‘97 and Donna Spraggins

Pat Staubach ‘93

Patti Stone ‘72

Samantha Stone

Amy Street

Stretch Lab

Emma & Margo Sugden & Bonnor

Lori Sullivan ‘91

Matt ‘02 and Sara ‘01 Tait

Gay Talbert

Marissa Tanner

Michael and Elizabeth Terry

Emily Thien

Judith Thomas ‘85

Jennifer Thompson ‘88

Toni Trotter

Madeline Urbanski ‘14

Zach Wakefield and Meghan Miller

Dianna Weaver

Julie Weiler ‘80

Suzy Wert ‘75

Adra Wheeler ‘58

Alexandria Wible

Ellen Williams

Molly Winkler ‘94

Tom and Mitzi Witchger

Rochelle Woods

John and Mary Ann Wright

Patricia Dillin Wright ‘68

David Wu ‘89

Robin Young ‘00

Nathan and Jennifer Yumibe

Debbie Zarobinski

Sarah Zender