Our Foundation’s Mission

We connect private funding, community, and alumni
with Washington Township Schools to support and enhance
the unique educational experiences of our students.

With your help, we support the students, staff, and alumni of Washington Township Schools.
Our Mission
We connect private funding, community, and alumni with Washington Township Schools to support and enhance the unique educational experiences of our students.

With your help, we support the students, staff, and alumni of Washington Township Schools.

Teachers & Staff
About The Foundation

The Washington Township Schools Foundation (WTSF) works to connect private funding, community, and alumni with Washington Township Schools to support and enhance the unique educational experiences of our students. Powered by the generosity of our donors, we fund grants and high-impact programs that enrich our curriculum, support professional development, and provide staff with the additional resources needed to fund activities that would not otherwise be available, ensuring a quality public education for the children of Washington Township. 

Since 1985, our Foundation has helped Washington Township Schools advance student achievement by meeting the changing needs of our children. In 1996, the North Central High School Alumni Association was founded to support our vast alumni network. In 2015, we joined forces and came together as The Advancement Center. And today, still united, we return to the name Washington Township Schools Foundation, now with an expanded mission to represent the students, alumni, and community of Washington Township. 

We are proud members of the Indiana Association of Public Education Foundations and the National Schools Foundation Association.

What We Do

For current students and staff of Washington Township Schools, we serve as the strategic funding partner, connecting community investment directly to our classrooms. Public funds alone cannot always cover the ambitious goals we set for our school community, so we aim to enhance public education through private funding. Over the years, we have invested over $8,000,000 in our district schools, and today, we provide more than $500,000 annually in grants, scholarships, and designated gifts.

For past students, including North Central graduates, we serve as your resource for everything from class reunions to homecoming festivities and more. Stay connected with our Alumni community to get the latest alumni news and event updates. Additionally, we help past alumni support the future of Washington Township by connecting your generous donations with the grants and programs that will help shape a better future for our community. Your North Central experience helped make you who you are today. Now, help us build the next generation!

About The Foundation

The Washington Township Schools Foundation (WTSF) works to connect private funding, community, and alumni with Washington Township Schools to support and enhance the unique educational experiences of our students. Powered by the generosity of our donors, we fund grants and high-impact programs that enrich our curriculum, support professional development, and provide staff with the additional resources needed to fund activities that would not otherwise be available, ensuring a quality public education for the children of Washington Township. 

Since 1985, our Foundation has helped Washington Township Schools advance student achievement by meeting the changing needs of our children. In 1996, the North Central High School Alumni Association was founded to support our vast alumni network. In 2015, we joined forces and came together as The Advancement Center. And today, still united, we return to the name Washington Township Schools Foundation, now with an expanded mission to represent the students, alumni, and community of Washington Township. 

We are proud members of the Indiana Association of Public Education Foundations and the National Schools Foundation Association.

What We Do

For current students and staff of Washington Township Schools, we serve as the strategic funding partner, connecting community investment directly to our classrooms. Public funds alone cannot always cover the ambitious goals we set for our school community, so we aim to enhance public education through private funding. Over the years, we have invested over $8,000,000 in our district schools, and today, we provide more than $500,000 annually in grants, scholarships, and designated gifts.

For past students, including North Central graduates, we serve as your resource for everything from class reunions to homecoming festivities and more. Stay connected with our Alumni community to get the latest alumni news and event updates. Additionally, we help past alumni support the future of Washington Township by connecting your generous donations with the grants and programs that will help shape a better future for our community. Your North Central experience helped make you who you are today. Now, help us build the next generation!

Our Vision
We engage alumni and support students in our schools to help them understand our world, get along with people different from themselves, and add value to their communities.​
Our Strategic Plan

Cultivate greater awareness of and affinity for the Foundation, supporting students, staff, teachers, and alumni of Washington Township schools.

  • Rename the organization and launch a re-branding campaign by mid-2022.
  • Expand telling of the Foundation’s “story” to a wider audience and personalize stories for segmented audiences and specific donor affinity groups.
  • Convey the Foundation’s mission and purpose via the website and various social media platforms.
  • Increase the Board of Directors’ knowledge of mission and message to support their roles as effective and impactful brand ambassadors.

Ensure strong alignment with District initiatives and strategic focus through regular communication with Washington Township Schools administration, teachers, and staff.

  • Provide and grow sustainable funding for programs identified as District priorities.
  • Support strategic partnerships in the Washington Township community that benefit the Foundation and the District.

Create and foster a vibrant North Central High School alumni community.

  • Improve accuracy of alumni database, increasing the number of alumni with current contact information by 5% annually.
  • Establish and support consistent engagement programming opportunities, both virtual and in-person, for various alumni affinities that will be determined as the alumni database is improved.
  • Establish an Alumni Relations Committee within the board committee structure.

Grow financial capacity and provide highly regarded stewardship to realize our vision.

  • Facilitate 5% growth annually to achieve a $1 million total spend budget by close of fiscal year 2023-2024.
  • Examine current fundraising events and campaign efforts for maximum impact and possible adjustments and changes.
  • Leverage alumni and alumni networks to deepen engagement and cultivate support.

Strengthen our culture of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion at the Foundation and support such efforts within the District.

  • Recruit and retain diverse Foundation board members and staff.
  • Work closely with the District and its Director of Equity and Inclusion to understand and support District priorities in the area of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion.
The WTSF Board of Directors serves as the Foundation’s governing body and consists of officers, committee chairs, directors-at-large, and designated members as well as our ambassador and honoree council. 
Officers & Committee Chairs
Eddie Prein
Eddie Prein
Board President
Aimee Scheuermann
Ashley Butz
Ashley Butz
Secretary | NCHS Class of '02
Susan Brock Williams
Susan Brock Williams
Governance Chair
Andrew Pike
Andrew Pike
Treasurer & Finance Chair | NCHS Class of '00
Paul St. Angelo
Paul St. Angelo
Development Chair | NCHS Class of '72
Jenny Kremer
Grants & Scholarships Chair
Jenn Maple
Jenn Maple
Communications Chair | BASH Co-chair
Everett Paschal
Everett Paschal
Alumni Chair | NCHS Class of '01
Maureen Boyer
Maureen Boyer
BASH Co-chair
Dawn Batson
Dawn Batson
Bennett copy
Bryce Bennett
NCHS Class of '71
Arian Bostic
Arian Bostic
Phyllis Boyd
Phyllis Boyd
NCHS Class of '87
Eric Broemel
Eric Broemel
Yalonda Brown
NCHS Class of '86
Kenda Friend
Kenda Friend
Sanjay Jivraj
Sanjay Jivraj
Quinyahna Leagre
Quinyahna Leagre
Rahvy Murray
Rahvy Murray
Veronica Onofrey
Veronica Onofrey
NCHS Class of '07
Fady Qaddoura
Fady Qaddoura
Greg Stowers
Greg Stowers
NCHS Class of '05
Steven Thompson
Steven Thompson
NCHS Class of '10
Terry Whitt Bailey
Terry Whitt Bailey
NCHS Class of '82
Designated Members
Nikki Woodson
Nikki Woodson
MSDWT Superintendent
Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 1.34.06 PM
Deirdre George Davis
School Board Representative
Crystal Paschal
Parent Council Representative
Anthony Dean
Anthony Dean
WTEA Representative
Greg Akers
Greg Akers
NCHS Class of '89
Claire Bolles
Claire Bolles
NCHS Class of '02
Susie Bremen
Susie Bremen
NCHS Class of '70
Anne Hair
Anne Hair
Ginny Hacker
Ginny Hacker
Kathy Null
Kathy Null
NCHS Class of '82
Susie Ross
Susie Ross
NCHS Class of '73
Jennifer Sanner
Jennifer Sanner
Donna Schmahi
Donna Schmahl
Becky Volk
Becky Volk
NCHS Class of '83
Suzanne Zybert
Suzanne Zybert
Great North Run & Fitness Fair Chair
Our Donors
Donors power the work of our foundation, making our mission possible.​
We truly appreciate your support. 
The WTSF staff serves the needs of the foundations day to day activities in conjunction with the board of directors. 
Emily Kaiser

Executive Director
[email protected]
(317) 205-3332 ext. 77265

Christy Jacobi

Director of Operations
[email protected]
(317) 205-3332 ext. 77263

Mia witzeman website

Director of  Events
[email protected]
(317) 205-3332 ext. 77260

KShrack Head Shot
Kimberly Shrack

Director of Communications
[email protected]
(317) 205-3332 ext. 77271

Brittany Wayman

Director of Alumni
2001 NCHS Alumni
[email protected]
(317) 205-3332 ext. 77262

2024 Graduate and Masters




EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 317.845.9400

ADDRESS: 8550 Woodfield Crossing Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46240



EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 317.845.9400

ADDRESS: 8550 Woodfield Crossing Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46240

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